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Seven decades of the Queen
by seven year groups,
in the style of different artists

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Queen Y5.jpg
Queen Y4.jpg
Queen Y3.jpg
Queen Y2.jpg
Queen Y1.jpg
Queen Reception.jpg

Stimulating Creativity

Art activities from a professional artist

What I do

I provide Arts Participation Activities in primary schools.  Arts Participation is involvement in artistic and creative activities such as painting.  These activities have important educational value in themselves, and benefits from core academic attainment in other areas of the curriculum; particularly literacy and mathematics [Education Endowment Foundation 2021].


I provide half-day and full day programmes that include:


1. Teaching of your chosen painting technique, for example:

  • Paining with palette knife

  • Acrylic flow painting

  • Portrait painting

  • Collage

  • Watercolour painting

  • Scenic painting


2. Practise and application of painting technique

Pupils apply the skills under supervision.


3. Reflection and feedback

Pupils reflect on their strengths and identify areas for improvement.

Outcomes and Impact

[From 80 studies reviewed by the EEF 2021]


Academic outcomes

  • Arts participation approaches can have a positive impact on academic outcomes in other areas of the curriculum.

  • Overall, the average impact of arts participation on other areas of academic learning is an additional three months.

  • Improved outcomes have been observed in English, Maths and Science in both primary and secondary schools.

  • Wider benefits, such as more positive attitudes to learning and increased well-being have also consistently been reported.


Social impact outcomes

  • Participation in the arts is an effective route for personal growth, leading to enhanced confidence, skill building and educational developments, which can improve pupils’ social contacts.

  • It can lead to social cohesion by developing networks and understanding, and building local capacity for organisation and self-determination.

  • It brings benefits in other areas such as environmental renewal and health promotion, and injects an element of creativity into organisational planning.

  • It produces social change, which can be seen, evaluation and broadly planned.

  • It represents a flexible, responsive and cost-effective element of a community development strategy.

  • It strengthens Britain’s cultural life and forms a vital factor of success in social policy.

Pupil Premium and closing the disadvantage gap

There is intrinsic value in teaching pupils creative skills and ensuring disadvantaged pupils access a rich and stimulating arts education.


Funding is available (Pupil Premium) to help improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils through externally provided programmes, such as Stimulating Creativity by Maggie Mosley Art.

Flower bursts
by Year 2, with palette knife

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Flower 5.jpg
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Flower 8.jpg
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